Friday, May 30, 2008

It's Okay to Cry

One of the main reasons I wanted to start this blog was to bring forward some of the emotions adoptive mother's have. One thing I absolutely hate to hear is "You have kids the easy way!" WHAT?! Easy? There is nothing easy about adoption. Adoption is hard, emotional, stressful, long and tiresome. Sound familiar? That's right, those are many of the same emotions that women who are pregnant have, the only difference is they know that those emotions will only last 9 months, ours could last for years.

Adopting isn't easy, I don't want anyone to have the idea that all adoptions are as easy as they are for people like Sheryl Crow, Madonna and heaven forbid, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt!! No, adoption is a long and emotional journey. But, it is also a journey that is extremely worth it. I wouldn't change anything about our adoptions that we have gone through. We have been so blessed to have the two beautiful children we have and nothing could have prepared me for the strong and often times, over whelming emotions tied with it.

Something that gave me strength was a scripture verse from the Book of Mormon. It is Mosiah 3:4 and it reads "For the Lord hath heard thy prayers, and hath judged of thy righteousness, and hath sent me to declare unto thee that thou mayest rejoice; and that thou mayest declare unto thy people, that they may also be filled with joy."

Your joys are out there, my joys are out there, but while we all wait, my best advice for it all is...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Born In My Heart's Beginnings

There have always been support groups for women and family placing a child for adoption, as there very well should be, but as I am now going through my second adoption I have become to realize that there is a huge need for a support group for couples awaiting or going through the adoption process... hopefully this is it!

Like I said before, my husband Jake and I are trying to finish up our second adoption of our 10 month old son, Colby. We also have our beautiful daughter Jessalyn that we adopted at 5 days old over two years ago.

We love adoption! It has blessed our family so greatly and we could never have asked for more. The blessings that adoption has given us are endless. We also are so blessed to have two wonderful birth mothers now included into our family as well.

I hope to offer helpful links, advice and sharing of stories on this blog. If you want to contribute to this blog in other ways (i.e. sharing your stories, advice, links, etc.) please email me at I hope that this blog will help with all the emotions and stress that is involved with the adoption process for all of us who so greatly want nothing more that to be parents!

Thank you for visiting!
